Cream Cheese Dieta Low Carb

Cream Cheese Dieta Low Carb


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

If you want to cut back on carbs but don't want to eliminate bread, how do you choose lower-carb bread? On a truly low-carb diet for your health, regular bread has to be very restricted. You must switch to special low-carb bread or make your own, such as flax meal bread.

Carbs and Blood Sugar

Grains like refined wheat flour are mostly starch, which is made up of long strings of glucose. The enzymes in your saliva start breaking down starch molecules into sugars as you chew.

By the time they reach the stomach, most starches have been converted to sugar. But there are exceptions: Some types of bread, like sprouted whole grain bread, may have less of an effect on your blood sugar because contain more fiber.

Foods with fiber are digested at a slower rate, which can reduce how quickly blood sugars rise.

Another factor that affects the way bread impacts blood sugar is whether or not bread is eaten alone or in combination with another food. For example, eating a plain slice of white bread will increase blood sugar more quickly than eating a piece of bread with peanut butter which contains protein and fat.

Light Bread

Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

"Light" (or "lite") bread is a marketing term used to describe bread that is usually lower in calories, fat, or sodium than a brand's regular version, according to the FDA. Light breads typically contain fewer calories than regular bread, and may also contain fewer carbohydrates.

A food that is labeled "light" may also mean that it is actually lighter in color. When in doubt always read the label. Here's an example of the difference between one brand's regular and light bread. Bread that is labeled "lite" or "light" may also contain high fructose corn syrup, which is linked to heart health complications.

Note that, according to Pepperidge Farm, the serving size for the Whole Grain Whole Wheat (regular) bread is one slice (49g), but the serving size for Whole Wheat Light Style bread is listed as three slices (57g) on the nutrition facts label. It is helpful to know that both whole grain and whole wheat contain all three parts of the grain kernel — the bran, endosperm, and germ. However, whole wheat exclusively refers to wheat kernels, while whole grain includes other grains, such as barley, corn, and rye.

Listed below is a comparison of the carbohydrates of each bread per slice (not per serving).

Pepperidge Farm Whole Wheat Bread

Whole Wheat Bread

Whole Wheat Light Style Bread

Weight: 49g (1 slice) Weight: 19g (1 slice)

23g carbohydrate

9g carbohydrate
4g fiber 2g fiber
130 calories 45 calories

Several other brands have light bread options. Most include a reduced calorie and carb version of classic whole wheat, but some brands (like Healthy Life Bread) offer other flavors and styles, including hot dog buns. Some brands offer sugar-free and gluten-free bread options as well.

  • Sara Lee Delightful Honey 100% Whole Wheat (45 calories,1 grams carbs, and 4 grams of fiber for two slices)
  • Pepperidge Farm Light Style 100% Whole Wheat (45 calories, 9 grams carbs, and 2 grams fiber per slice)
  • Weight Watchers 100% Whole Wheat (90 calories, 20 grams carbs, and 4 grams fiber for two slices)
  • ThinSlim ZeroCarb Plain (45 calories, 7 grams carbs, and 7 grams of fiber per slice)
  • Ezekial Genesis 1:29 Sprouted Whole Grain and Seed (80 calories, 14 grams carbs, and 3 grams of fiber per slice)

Low-Carb Tortillas

Perhaps the best commercial bread substitute is a low-carb tortilla because they are filling and full of fiber. One tortilla can replace two slices of bread, usually for fewer carbohydrates.

  • Mission Carb Balance Tortillas (120 calories, 13 grams total, 9 grams fiber per tortilla)
  • Maria and Ricardo's Low-Carb/Low-Fat Tortillas (45 calories, 10 grams total, 7 grams fiber per tortilla)
  • Mama Lupe's Low-Carb Tortillas (60 calories, 7 grams total, 4 grams fiber, per tortilla)

Make a healthy wrap, use it as a hot dog bun, or as the basis for a low-carb pizza. If your local store doesn't carry them, several brands can be purchased from online sellers.

Tips for Finding Low-Carb Bread

When you know what to look for, it's easy to shop for low-carb bread at your local supermarket, health food store, bakery, and even online.

Set a Carb Goal

Compare carbs in several loaves of bread from different brands to find the option that fits your diet best. A typical slice of bread usually contains around 15-20 grams of carbohydrate.

While there isn't a standard definition of low-carb bread, decide how many carbohydrates you want to use as bread and choose accordingly. For example, if you want to keep your meal under 30 grams of carbohydrate and the bread you like contains 20 grams of carbohydrate, eat one slice instead of two.

Find Thin Bread

Smaller or thinly-sliced bread will have less carbohydrate and calories simply because they have less mass. However, watch out for very dense thin bread, as the amount of starch in this bread can be similar to regular bread.

Choose More Fiber

Search for a bread that has more fiber. Fiber is the indigestible part of carbohydrate that can aid in feelings of fullness as well as reducing how quickly blood sugars rise. Look for a bread that has at least 3 grams of fiber.

Whole grain breads are naturally rich in fiber. If you choose a bread that has added fiber, such as inulin, or chicory root fiber, that may also help to fill you up.

Look for Whole Grains

Look for a whole grain bread. Whole grain breads tend to have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They may not always be low-carbohydrate though so be sure to read the label. If you want to reduce your carbohydrates when choosing a whole grain bread, eat one slice instead of two.

Seek Sprouted Grains

Though there hasn't been much research, some preliminary evidence shows sprouted grain bread does not cause rapid, high, spikes in blood sugar the way regular bread does. Sprouted grains are thought to have a lower glycemic index because they are not processed the same way.

Many of them are flourless and many of them are marketed to people who have diabetes for their ability to raise blood sugars at a lower rate. Keep in mind, however, that if a brand claims large amounts of fiber and very low carbs, take a closer look at the nutrition label to confirm.

Opt for High Protein

Some bread makers use wheat gluten instead of whole grain to lower the carbohydrate of a bread. People with celiac disease are allergic to gluten and therefore cannot eat this type of bread.

But, there are many sprouted breads and lower carbohydrate gluten-free breads which are made with nut flours that are available.

Bread to Avoid

While you may be able to include some types of bread on a low-carb diet, other popular varieties are almost always high-carb and high-GI. You may decide to have these types of bread in moderation, but they won't be a staple of your low-carb diet.

Bagels and Rolls

Nutrition labels for bagels and rolls can be deceptive: They often contain two, three, or even four normal servings of bread. Some labels may state that a bagel contains 45-90 grams of carbohydrate.

When comparing bagels to sliced bread, this would be equivalent to eating about 3-6 slices of bread.

Some brands offer bagel "thins" that have fewer calories and carbs. If you can't find these options, try making them yourself.

Using a spoon (or your fingers), remove the soft centers of a sliced bagel. Hollowing it out before you place your schmear or using it for a sandwich will reduce some of its carb load.

Soft Bread

Challah bread. Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Soft bread is usually made from white and/or very finely ground flour. Your body quickly breaks this down into sugar, giving bread like challah (which can have 35 grams of carbs per serving) a high glycemic index.

Sweet Bread

While most bread is made with some sugar, try to avoid brands that have added (even hidden) sugar. Check the nutrition label carefully: If one of the five ingredients is sugar, honey, molasses, fructose, or another name for sugar, you'll know that bread isn't the best first choice. A a good rule of thumb is to consume breads with 3 grams or less of sugar per slice.

Alternative Grain Bread

Wheat has more protein than most other grains, but alternative grain bread (such as those used in gluten-free options) are usually higher in carbohydrate than bread made with wheat. While there may be some exceptions, look at the serving size and nutrition information carefully.

Cream Cheese Dieta Low Carb



Are Bananas Good For Low Carb Diet

Are Bananas Good For Low Carb Diet

Lots of today's trendy diets — think Atkins, keto and sometimes paleo — are centered around low-carb foods. But cutting carbs to lose weight fast isn't a new idea. It's been around for more than 150 years. So what's driving the popularity of this eating plan?

With a low-carbohydrate diet, you keep your carbohydrates lower than what's typically found in Western diets, Jen Bruning, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, told TODAY.

Processed foods and fast foods — common in Western diets — are often high in carbs. They can contain a lot of refined carbs that don't offer a lot of nutritional value. Low-carb diets limit these high-carb foods, as well as grains, starchy vegetables (like potatoes and peas) and fruit. They emphasize foods low in carbs and high in protein and fat instead, like meat, cheese and nuts, as well as leafy vegetables.

How does the low-carb diet work?

To start, there's no one low-carb diet. Different plans cut carbs down to different levels. The strictest diets aim to cut carbs down to zero. Others target 150 grams or less per day. As a comparison, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 225 to 325 grams per day as part of a healthy eating plan that doesn't focus on limiting carbs.

Bonnie Taub-Dix, a registered dietitian and author of "Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You from Label to Table," points out that carbs aren't all nutritionally the same. A slice of whole-grain bread, a small piece of fruit and four packets of sugar could all have about 15 carbs. "Those food all have completely different health profiles," she said. The bread has fiber, vitamins and minerals, and can help you feel full. The fruit might have fiber and antioxidants. The sugar has no nutritional value except for energy.

People want to know the best ways to lose weight and how to lose weight fast. But there's more to understand. "If you want to eat more healthfully and lose weight, you have to think about what your body needs and your health needs, not just your weight-loss needs," Taub-Dix said.

What does the research say about the low-carb diet?

What are low-carb diet benefits? Bruning said with low-carb dieting you might see improvements in blood sugar levels and weight loss. But the weight loss might not last. "Research also suggests a tendency to regain any lost weight when eating patterns return to normal," she said.

Sticking with a low-carb eating plan may help you maintain weight loss, though.

According to the Mayo Clinic, low-carb diets might help prevent or improve metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that for people with type 2 diabetes, diets that were low in carbs helped them lose weight and reduce the medication they needed to take to control of their diabetes.

Is low-carb a good choice for you?

You might want to try a low-carb diet if you're looking to lose weight in the short term or to prevent or improve metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease.

A low-carb diet includes a lot of other food options, so if you don't like diets with severe food restrictions you might like the variety it offers.

You may also want to look at the kinds of carbs you're eating to see where you can make changes. "If you examine your diet and feel you are lacking in non-starchy vegetables but eat lots of added sugar, you may choose to lower your refined carbohydrate intake in favor of more veggies," Bruning said.

And remember that low-carb diets are low in certain nutritious foods. "Plenty of higher-carbohydrate foods are very healthful. Think legumes, fruit and whole grains," Bruning said. "Low-carb diets also tend to be low in fiber, and fiber is known to be protective against heart disease and some cancers."

Taub-Dix is wary of any diet that eliminates an entire food group. "No one food or food group is going to be magical for you or horrible for you unless you have a food allergy or intolerance," she said. "We shouldn't demonize any one particular food or food group. That should be a red flag when choosing a diet — if a food group is eliminated, steer clear of that diet."

What do you eat on the low-carb diet?

Generally, low-carb menus will include foods that are higher in protein and fat.

On a low-carb diet, you're likely to eat foods like:

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Some nonstarchy vegetables

You'll cut out or limit:

  • Grains
  • Legumes like lentils, beans and peas
  • Fruits
  • Breads
  • Sweets
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn and butternut squash
  • Milk
  • Sometimes nuts and seeds

Following a low-carb diet, in a typical day you might eat low-carb meals like:

  • Breakfast: Omelet with cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach
  • Lunch: Cobb salad
  • Dinner: Chicken drumsticks with coleslaw
  • Snack: Roasted pecans

The low-carb diet is similar to:

  • Keto diet, which typically limits carbs to 50 grams a day or less
  • Keto/FLEX 12/3, which blends a low-carb diet and fasting
  • Low-carb, high-fat diet, which pairs a reduction in carbs with an increase in high-fat foods
  • Paleo diet, which tends to be low-carb in practice because it emphasizes a lot of low-carb foods
  • Atkins diet, which has a four phases of carb intake levels
  • Zero-carb diet, which aims to reduce carbs to (you guessed it) zero

Is the low-carb diet effective long-term?

Compared with low-fat dieters, low-carb dieters may see a short-term weight-loss boost. But the gain tends to disappear after a year or two, according to the Mayo Clinic. It's possible that eating more protein and fat instead of carbs can help keep you feeling full, so you eat less.

Most studies of low-carb diets have lasted less than a year. So it's not clear yet if a low-carb diet has long-term health risks.

Talk with your doctor before starting a low-carb diet or any other diet — your doctor can recommend the best healthy diet for you, based on your needs.

Stephanie Thurrott is a writer who covers mental health, personal growth, wellness, family, food and personal finance, and dabbles in just about any other topic that grabs her attention. When she's not writing, look for her out walking her dog or riding her bike in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley.

Are Bananas Good For Low Carb Diet



How Low Is A Low Carb Diet

How Low Is A Low Carb Diet

Photo Courtesy: SDI Productions/Getty Images

While you may have heard the income gaps in the United States are getting larger, you might not know what earning level is considered low income. To help you better understand the income thresholds and the government assistance available, we've rounded up some helpful tips and resources for those qualifying as low-income.

No matter where you live and how many people are in your household, living below the poverty line can be overwhelming. We'll go over different government programs available and tips for saving and getting out of debt. Let's get started and see if your income qualifies for some of the great resources available.

What Is Considered Low Income in the USA?

 Photo Courtesy: Juanmonino/Getty Images

In the United States, the Census Bureau defines low income as a family whose income level didn't go over 150% of the national poverty level. In 2020, for example, an individual making less than $12,760 is considered low-income. A two-person household earning under $17,240, and a three-person household earning less than $21,720 qualify as low-income. For a family of four, you'd need to earn less than $26,200 to fall under the low-income threshold.

Do You Qualify As Low Income?

 Photo Courtesy: SEAN GLADWELL/Getty Images

In the United States, poverty and income levels are used to determine eligibility for financial and housing assistance programs. To determine whether you qualify as low income, a few factors need to be considered. First, you'll need to look at the income for your household. You'll then take into account your family size and where you live. The cost of living, for example, varies significantly depending on your address.

Limits for qualifications are calculated using median income percentages. There are three categories of low-income determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development also known as HUD.

The first is low income where you must earn less than 80% of the median income in the U.S. to qualify. To qualify as very low income, you'll need to earn less than 50% of the median income. To qualify as extremely low, your earnings can't exceed 30% of the median income or the poverty line in the United States.

You can see the 2021 income limits according to where you live and your household size using this chart. Depending on where you live, the salary of a low-income family may surprise you. In San Francisco, for example, the real estate prices are much higher than the national average. A family of four earning $117,400 a year is considered low income.

What Is Low Income Housing and How Does It Work?

 Photo Courtesy: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Low-income housing is provided by federal and local governments to help people in poverty and low-income levels afford housing. With low-income housing, a renter will pay a portion of their income towards rent. The remaining rent that isn't covered gets paid by the state or federal government. Just because you may qualify as low-income, doesn't mean you'll receive any low-income housing assistance.

With low-income housing, there are also restrictions on where you live. The programs will also only cover the home if it's within fair market value. To encourage more affordable housing, a tax credit is often given to buildings and developers who make a portion of their apartments available to low-income renters.

Low-income housing is run by HUD as well as local state governments. HUD offers a variety of assistance programs to renters and homeowners with qualifying incomes. HUD will verify your income as well as the dependents and people living in your home to determine your eligibility.

How to Budget With Low Income

 Photo Courtesy: Vladimir Simovic/Getty Images

When you have a lower income, budgeting can seem overwhelming. While it may be tough when resources are spread thin, budgeting is key to keeping you on track. If you haven't already, visit the HUD website to see what housing programs you qualify for. Once you have an adjusted rent you can set your budget for all of your fixed and variable expenses.

Write out all of your expenses on a spreadsheet or piece of paper. Compare this with your income and any assistance you're receiving. What you're left with will help you create a budget for your variable expenses such as eating out, groceries, and television, for example. Writing everything out will help you determine where you can cut back and where you can save money.

Money-Saving Tips With Low Income

 Photo Courtesy: JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images

On a low income, saving money may be difficult, but it isn't impossible. Start by looking at anything in your budget that you don't need. Music subscriptions, cable, and fast food are all luxuries. Cancel anything you aren't using. Make saving automatic by withdrawing money from your checking account directly into your savings account each month.

Having a car when you can walk, is an area you can look at cutting back, for example. If you can cook at home or qualify for free school lunches, do so. Eating out or buying fast food can add up. A $5 a day lunch habit adds up to $1,825 a year.

How To Get Out of Debt With Low Income?

 Photo Courtesy: Guido Mieth/Getty Images

It's easy to use a credit card when money is tight. If you've found yourself in a cycle of debt, making small changes can help. Take your new budget and savings plan and put it into action. Every month take a portion of your savings and put it towards your debts. It's helpful to go with the lowest hanging fruit to knock it off your plate. Once you pay off your small debts, you can tackle the bigger ones little by little.

Take a portion of your savings each month and put it toward your remaining high-interest debt. While you're paying off your debt, don't create more. Stop using your credit cards and don't use any payday or advancement loans to float you. Speak with your creditors about debt settlements as well. While there are fraudulent companies out there promising to remove your debt, you can negotiate your debt yourself by speaking to a creditor directly.

Oftentimes a creditor would rather hear from you about settling or making smaller payments rather than taking you to collections or pursuing legal actions. These avenues are expensive for a creditor. The more upfront and honest you are, the more likely they are to work with you.

Low-Income Resources and Help

 Photo Courtesy: ferrantraite/Getty Images

In addition to housing, low-income families have additional resources to help make ends meet. There are supplemental food programs, healthcare assistance, student financial aid, child tax credits, and more. Check out the Federal benefits website for a full list of resources and programs.


How Low Is A Low Carb Diet



Dieta Low Carb Quantidade De Carboidrato

Dieta Low Carb Quantidade De Carboidrato

Pipoca na dieta low carb: combina ou não? (Foto: Getty Images/EyeEm)

Pipoca na dieta low carb: combina ou não? (Foto: Getty Images/EyeEm)

Enquanto a hora de voltar às salas de cinema não chega, o negócio é lançar mão de filmes em casa - e, se acompanhado de um balde de pipoca, melhor ainda. Versátil e gostoso, o alimento virou sinônimo de snack fácil, com versões de microondas ou de panela, com todo o tipo de adicional. A boa notícia é que elas também são um alimento muito nutritivo, rico em fibras, antioxidantes, ácido fólico, magnésio e vitaminas B1 e B2. E, se feito do jeito correto, não fere a dieta - nem mesmo a low carb.

"A intenção de adicionar na dieta é pelo teor de fibras, são 14,3 gramas em 100 gramas, sendo um alimento que fornece saciedade e você consome um volume maior, servindo como uma opção para petiscar", diz o Dr. Daniel Coimbra, nutricionista da Les Cinq Gym, academia de luxo em São Paulo. Em conversa com GQ Brasil, o especialista frisou que "a máxima de tudo é sempre o equilíbrio nas escolhas e a parcimônia nas quantidades", mas que ainda assim a pipoca seria rica em amidos e fibras, além de possuir ação antioxidante pela presença de compostos bioativos.

Adepto da "nutrição raiz", o Dr. Coimbra afirma que, ainda que prefira uma refeição rica em proteínas, fibras, vitaminas e minerais, um balde de pipoca, se preparado corretamente, não fere a dieta, mesmo as low carb, posto que é uma opção rica em fibras - são 14,3 gramas a cada 100 gramas do alimento.

Photo taken in Dhaka, Bangladesh (Foto: Getty Images/EyeEm)

Photo taken in Dhaka, Bangladesh (Foto: Getty Images/EyeEm)

O segredo estaria na combinação da pipoca com um preparo com baixo teor de gordura e sódio, como um complemento de carboidrato a uma refeição já rica em proteínas, vitaminas e minerais. Na conversa abaixo, ele explica em detalhes como o alimento afeta a dieta, qual a quantidade ideal para consumo e de que forma preparar.

GQ Brasil: Existe uma máxima que diz que na dieta low carb não são permitidos grãos. Isso é verdade?
Dr. Daniel Coimbra:
Não! Na dieta "low carb", ou seja, com baixo carboidrato, há um limite na quantidade de carboidratos ingeridas por dia, mas não do tipo de carboidrato. Inclusive, os grãos são fontes de carboidratos complexos, ricos em fibras, sendo ótimas escolhas, mesmo em uma dieta "low-carb"! E o que seria uma dieta "low-carb", né? Se um indivíduo come um teor elevado de carboidratos e eu restrinjo a quantidade na alimentação, mas ainda mantenho uma quantidade alta (adequada) de carboidratos, ela ainda é "low-carb" em relação à anterior!

GQ Brasil: O milho é um alimento notável por ser versátil. Quem está em uma redução de carboidratos pode incluir na dieta? O que muda no caso da pipoca?
Dr. Daniel Coimbra:
Pode sim. Ao aquecermos o milho de forma rápida, a sua umidade é convertida em vapor, a pressão estoura a casca do milho, rica em amidos e fibras, formando a pipoca. Ou seja, é uma opção com menos fibras do que o milho, mas não deixa de ser uma boa opção. O ideal seria preparar na panela, sem adição de óleo. Mas também não indico comer à vontade, afinal 100 gramas de pipoca preparada contém 375 calorias, sendo 74 gramas de carboidratos e 13 gramas de fibras. E ainda, se for adicionada de manteiga e outros alimentos, imagine a quantidade de calorias adicionadas por porção... A máxima de tudo é sempre o equilíbrio nas escolhas e a parcimônia nas quantidades.

GQ Brasil: Pipoca é um carboidrato? De onde vem essa máxima de que ela pode ser assimilada à dieta?
Dr. Daniel Coimbra:
Sim. A pipoca é rica em carboidratos, em 100 gramas temos 74 g de carboidratos, 11 g de proteínas e 4,3 g de lipídios. A intenção de adicionar na dieta é pelo teor de fibras, são 14,3 gramas em 100 gramas, sendo um alimento que fornece saciedade e você consome um volume maior, servindo como uma opção para petiscar, lembrando de tomar cuidado com os alimentos que adiciona a pipoca. Ainda, possui ação antioxidante também, como a maioria das frutas e verduras, pela presença de compostos bioativos.

No entanto, temos outras opções menos calóricas, com maior teor de fibras e mais nutritivas também. Como preparar um "snack" de grão de bico, assando no forno com temperos naturais, para consumir assistindo um filme, por exemplo. Em 100 gramas de grão de bico, temos 355 calorias, 57,9 g de carboidratos, sendo 12,4 g de fibras, 21,2 g de proteínas e 5,4 g de lipídios. Ou seja, o grão de bico seria uma opção com menos carboidratos, mais fibras e mais proteínas do que a pipoca. Vale ressaltar que o consumo de proteínas é fundamental tanto a indução do sono quanto preservação de massa muscular.

GQ Brasil: Qual a forma mais saudável de preparar minha pipoca?
Dr. Daniel Coimbra:
A forma mais saudável é estourar o milho na panela. Escolha uma panela que você possa sacudir enquanto estoura a pipoca. Adicione 1 xícara de chá de milho para pipoca e 1 colher de sopa de azeite em uma panela. Deixa a panela em fogo alto, mexendo às vezes, espere até as pipocas começarem a estourar. Em seguida, diminua o fogo e continue mexendo. A hora para tirar do fogo é quando você consegue contar 5 segundos entre 2 estouros.

GQ Brasil: Existe um horário exato para comer?
Dr. Daniel Coimbra:
Não, para nenhum alimento existe um horário exato para comer, distribuímos de acordo com a rotina do nosso paciente. No entanto, vale ressaltar que o consumo exacerbado pela noite não é indicado, de acordo com a crononutrição, uma área que estuda a relação entre a nutrição e o nosso relógio biológico, o ciclo circadiano, vale mais a pena ingerirmos a maior parcela das calorias diárias na parte da manhã e início da tarde, reduzindo o consumo alimentar no período noturno, favorecendo a regulação do ciclo circadiano e o relaxamento adequado do organismo para o sono de qualidade.

GQ Brasil: Qual a quantidade média para um consumo consciente?
Dr. Daniel Coimbra:
Depende do consumo alimentar e gasto energético de cada indivíduo. Em média temos que pensar em 2 xícaras de pipoca, 50 gramas. Mas isso é extremamente individual.

GQ Brasil: Posso substituir uma refeição por pipoca? O jantar, digamos?
Dr. Daniel Coimbra:
Não vejo vantagem em substituir uma refeição como o jantar por um balde de pipocas. Acho mais interessante consumir uma refeição rica em proteínas, fibras, vitaminas e minerais, como um belo prato de salada, arroz, feijão, legumes e frango grelhado! Bem nutrição raiz! haha

Você concorda comigo que ao substituir o jantar pela pipoca, o consumo de pipoca tende a ser exacerbado? Se a pessoa consumir 200 gramas de pipoca, o que não é difícil de acontecer, serão 750 calorias e 148 g de carboidratos. Então, seria mais nutritivo consumir uma omelete, um hambúrguer grelhado com salada ou outra refeição no jantar, para saciar e nutrir, e, após, consumir 1 xícara de pipoca enquanto assiste um filme antes de dormir, por exemplo. Desta forma, atingiria uma quantidade maior de proteínas, vitaminas e minerais, controlando o consumo de carboidratos.

Dieta Low Carb Quantidade De Carboidrato



Cual Es La Dieta Low Carb

Cual Es La Dieta Low Carb

La dieta baja en carbohidratos o low carb se define según la organización de diabetes del Reino Unido como una dieta donde hay una reducción en el consumo de carbohidratos en la alimentación, ingiriéndose menos de 130 g de hidratos de carbono al día, esto le aporta al organismo un 26% de energía aproximadamente. El resto de las calorías deberán ser proporcionadas por el consumo de grasas buenas y proteínas.

Además de esto, una dieta que contenga entre 20 y 50 gramos de carbohidratos se considera una dieta cetogénica, debido a que es muy baja en carbohidratos (very low carb) y el organismo entra en un proceso denominado cetosis, en donde utiliza las grasas como principal fuente de energía. Vea cuál es la diferencia con la dieta cetogénica.

Esta dieta puede ser bastante eficiente para bajar de peso, debido a que el organismo funciona mejor, ayudando también a reducir la inflamación del organismo, controlar la glicemia y a combatir la retención de líquidos.

Vea en qué consiste la dieta baja en carbohidratos en el vídeo a continuación:

Imagem representativa do vídeo

Beneficios para la salud

La dieta baja en carbohidratos proporciona diversos beneficios para la salud, que incluyen:

  • Mayor sensación de saciedad, pues el aumento en el consumo de proteínas y grasas se absorben más lentamente y retrasa el hambre por más tiempo;
  • Ayudar a controlar los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos, así como aumentar el colesterol bueno HDL, reduciendo el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardiovasculares;
  • Ayudar a controlar la diabetes debido a que regula el azúcar en la sangre, además de que el organismo produce menos insulina;
  • Mejorar el funcionamiento del intestino, por contener alimentos ricos en fibras;
  • Favorecer la pérdida de peso, debido a una reducción de calorías, un aumento en la cantidad de fibras y al control de la glucemia;
  • Combatir la retención de líquidos al estimular la diuresis, eliminando el exceso de líquidos del organismo.

Para realizar esta dieta baja en carbohidratos es importante la asesoría de un nutricionista, debido a que el cálculo de carbohidratos variará según las necesidades de la persona. También se debe conocer la cantidad de carbohidratos que aporta un alimento, de manera tal que la persona no sobrepase la cantidad de carbohidratos que le fue estipulada.

Cómo hacer la Dieta baja en carbohidratos

Para hacer la dieta baja en carbohidratos se debe retirar especialmente los carbohidratos simples de la alimentación diaria como el azúcar blanca, azúcar morena, harinas refinadas, arroz blanco, pasta refrescos, dulces y golosinas. Además de esto, dependiendo de la cantidad de carbohidratos que posea en la dieta, podrá ser necesario restringir la cantidad y el consumo de carbohidratos complejos como la avena, el pan y la pasta, por ejemplo.

La cantidad de carbohidratos que debe ser eliminada de la dieta varía de de una persona a otra, debiendo ser adaptada a sus necesidades. Una dieta alta en carbohidratos por lo general incluye más de 250 g y aporta entre el 45 y el 60% de energía del organismo, por este motivo la reducción debe ocurrir de forma progresiva, para que el cuerpo se acostumbre y no surjan efectos secundarios como dolores de cabeza, mareos y alteraciones de humor.

Es importante que durante esta dieta se incluyan 3 comidas principales y 2 meriendas, de esta forma es posible consumir pequeñas porciones de alimentos varias veces al día, disminuyendo así la sensación de hambre. Estas meriendas deben incluir alimentos como huevos, quesos, frutos secos aguacate y coco. El almuerzo y la cena deben contener ensalada cruda o cocida, proteínas y aceite de oliva, además de una pequeña porción de carbohidratos.

Vea a continuación una receta de pan bajo en carbohidratos que puede incluir en su día a día:

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Alimentos permitidos

Los alimentos permitidos en la dieta Low Carb son:

  • Frutas y vegetales en pequeñas porciones, preferiblemente crudas, con cáscara y bagazo, debido a que las fibras aumentan la sensación de saciedad y elevan en menor cantidad el azúcar en la sangre;
  • Carnes bajas en grasa, preferiblemente pollo y pavo sin piel;
  • Pescados preferiblemente grasos como el salmón, atún, trucha y sardinas;
  • Huevos y quesos;
  • Aceite de oliva, aceite de coco y mantequilla;
  • Nueces, almendras, avellanas, merey o marañón;
  • Semillas en general como: chía, linaza, girasol y ajonjolí;
  • Café y tés sin azúcar.

En el caso del queso, la leche y el yogur, pueden incluirse controlando las cantidades. La leche podría ser sustituida por leche de coco o de almendras, por ejemplo, cuyo contenido de hidratos de carbono es mucho menor. Es importante para acompañar la dieta Low carb ingerir entre 2 a 3 Litros de agua diarios.

Alimentos que se deben consumir con moderación

Algunos alimentos tienen una porción moderada de carbohidratos, por ello dependiendo de la cantidad de carbohidratos que tenga permitido por día podrá o no incluirlos, como es el caso de las lentejas, las papas, la batata o camote, arroz, ñame, pan integral y calabaza.

En general, las personas que practican actividad física regularmente suelen tolerar mayores cantidades de carbohidratos en la dieta sin ganar peso con tanta facilidad.

Cantidad de carbohidratos en los alimentos

En la tabla a continuación se muestra algunos alimentos y la cantidad de carbohidratos que contienen por cada 100 gramos de alimento:

Aguacate 2,3 g Naranja 8,9 g
Frambuesas 5,1 g Papaya 9,1 g
Fresas 5,3 g Pera 9,4 g
Melón 5,7 g Moras 10,2 g
Coco 6,4 g Cerezas 13,3 g
Toronja 6 g Manzanas 13,4 g
Mandarina 8,7 g Arándanos 14,5 g
Espinacas 0,8 g Achicoria 2,9 g
Lechuga 0,8 g


3,0 g
Celery 1,5 g Cebolla 3,1 g
Brócolis 1,5 g Tomate 3,1 g
Pepino 1,7 g Coliflor 3,9 g
Rúcula 2,2 g Repollo 3,9 g
Berro 2,3 g Zanahoria cruda 4,4 g
Otros alimentos
Leche desnatada 4,9 g Queso mozzarella 3,0 g
Yogur Natural 5,2 g Lentejas 16,7 g
Mantequilla 0,7 g Papa 18,5 g
Calabaza 1,7 g Frijoles negros 14 g
Leche de coco 2,2 g Arroz cocido 28 g
Ñame 23,3 g Batata o camote 28,3 g
Arroz integral 23 g Cacahuate 10,1 g

Conozca cuáles son los alimentos ricos en carbohidratos.

Alimentos prohibidos

En esta dieta es importante evitar todos los alimentos que posean una elevada cantidad de carbohidratos. Por este motivo, se debe consultar la etiqueta nutricional del alimento antes de consumirlo. Algunos ejemplos de los alimentos que deben evitarse son:

  • Azúcar blanca: aquí están incluidos los refrescos, jugos de fruta pasteurizados, azúcar morena, edulcorantes, dulces, helados, tortas, pasteles y galletas;
  • Harinas: trigo, cebada o centeno los cuales están presentes en alimentos como el pan, galletas saladas y tostadas;
  • Grasas trans : papas fritas embaladas, comidas congeladas precocidas, margarina;
  • Carnes procesadas: pechuga de pavo, salchicha, salami, mortadela, tocino, jamón;
  • Otros: arroz blanco, pasta, cuscús, harina de maíz, avena, maíz, frijoles blancos, garbanzos.

Un consejo importante es tratar de evitar todo tipo de productos industrializados, una vez que, normalmente contienen una elevada concentración de carbohidratos, dando preferencia a los alimentos naturales y lo menos procesados posible.

Menú tipo dieta baja en carbohidratos

La tabla a continuación muestra un ejemplo de 3 días de una dieta baja en carbohidratos y la cantidad de este macronutriente que aporta:

Comidas Día 1 Día 2 Día 3
Desayuno 120 g de yogur natural + 1 rebanada de pan integral con 1 rebanada de queso mozzarella + 1 cucharada de aguacate triturado 1 taza de café con 100 mL de leche de coco sin azúcar + 2 huevos revueltos con 1 tomate mediano y 15 g albahaca 1 taza de café con 100 mL de leche de coco sin azúcar + 1 rebanada de pan integral con 25 g de salmón ahumado + 1 cucharada de aguacate triturado
Merienda de la mañana Café sin azúcar con 100 mL de leche de coco + 20 unidades de almendras 120 g de yogur natural con 1 cucharada de semillas de chía + 5 nueces.

1 mandarina mediana + 10 unidades de almendras

Almuerzo 100 g de Espagueti de calabacín con 120 g de carne molida+ Ensalada cruda de lechuga (1 taza), zanahoria (25 g) y cebolla (10g), aderezada con 1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva 120 g de Salmón acompañado de 2 cucharadas de arroz integral + 1 taza de vegetales sofritos (pimentón, cebolla, calabacín, berenjena, zanahoria y brócoli) + 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva 120 g de pechuga de pollo + 1/2 taza de puré de calabaza + Ensalada cruda de lechuga (1 taza) + 1 tomate mediano + 10 g de cebolla + 1/3 de aguacate en cubos, aderezada con 1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva y vinagre
Merienda de la tarde 1 taza de gelatina con fresas Batido de 100 g de aguacate con 1 cucharada de semillas de chía y 200 mL de leche de coco  1 vaso de jugo verde preparado con 1 hoja de repollo, 1/2 limón, 1/3 de pepino, 100 mL de agua de coco y 1 cucharadita de chía
Cena Omelet de espinacas preparado con: 2 huevos, 20g de cebolla,1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva, 125 g de espinaca, sal y pimienta al gusto 1 Berenjena (180 g) rellena con 100 g de atún + 1 cucharada de queso parmesano. Gratinar al horno. 1 Pimentón rojo pequeño (100g) relleno con 120 g de carne molida con 1 cucharada de queso parmesano. Gratinar al horno.
Cantidad de carbohidratos 60 gramos 54 gramos 68 gramos

Las cantidades incluidas en el menú varían según la edad, sexo, actividad física y si posee alguna enfermedad asociada o no, por ello lo ideal es acudir a un nutricionista para que realice una evaluación completa y elabore un plan nutricional adecuado a sus necesidades.

Vea algunos ejemplos de desayunos bajos en carbohidratos.

Vea cuántas calorías debe ingerir por día colocando sus datos en la calculadora a continuación, según sus objetivos:

Recetas bajas en carbohidratos

Algunas recetas que se pueden preparar bajas en carbohidratos son:

1. Espagueti de Calabacín

Una porción de 100 gramos de esta pasta proporciona 59 calorías, 1,1 g de proteína, 5 g de grasa y 3 g de carbohidratos.

•    1 calabacín pequeño cortado en tiras finas;
•    1 cucharadita de aceite de coco o de aceite de oliva;
•    Sal marina y pimienta molida al gusto.

Modo de preparación

Cortar el calabacín a lo largo (tipo espagueti) o también pueden utilizar los cortadores especiales que cortan los vegetales en forma de espagueti. En un sartén calentar el aceite de coco o el aceite de oliva y colocar las tiras de calabacín. Saltear durante 5 minutos o hasta que el calabacín comience a ablandarse. Sazonar con sal, ajo y pimienta. Retirar de la hornilla y agregar la carne deseada y la salsa de tomate natural o salsa pesto.

2. Tortilla de espinacas

Dieta baja en carbohidratos/ Low Carb: alimentos permitidos y a evitar

Una porción de 80 gramos (1/4 de tortilla) de esta tortilla de espinacas proporciona 107 calorías, 4 g de proteína, 9 g de grasa y 2,5 g de carbohidratos.


  • 550 gramos de hojas de espinacas o acelga;
  • 4 claras de huevo ligeramente batidas;
  • 1/2 cebolla picada en cubos;
  • 1 cucharada de cebollín;
  • Una pizca de sal y pimienta;
  • Aceite de oliva

Modo de preparación

Colocar las hojas de espinaca en un sartén, tapar y mantener a fuego medio hasta que se cocinen y marchiten. Destapando y revolviendo de vez en cuando. Una vez que estén listas retirar del fuego y dejar reposar.

En otro sartén colocar el aceite de oliva y agregar la cebolla, el cebollín, la sal y la pimienta a dorar. Agregar el huevo y las espinacas y cocinar durante 5 minutos hasta dorar por debajo. Voltear la tortilla y cocinar durante 5 minutos más.

3. Tomates cherry rellenos

Una porción de 4 tomates cherry (65 g) aportan 106 calorías, 5 g de proteína, 6 g de grasa y 5 g de carbohidratos.


  • 400 g de tomates cherry (24 tomates aproximadamente);
  • 8 cucharadas (150 g) de queso de cabra;
  • 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva;
  • 1 diente de ajo machacado;
  • Sal y pimienta blanca al gusto;
  • 6 hojas de albahaca para adornar.

Modo de preparación

Lavar los tomates y cortar una pequeña tapita por la parte superior del tallo, sacar la pulpa con mucho cuidado para no romperlos. Rellenar los tomates con el queso de cabra.

En un recipiente a parte mezclar el aceite de oliva con el ajo machacado, la sal y la pimienta y con ésto bañar los tomates. Adornar con una hojitas de albahacas cortadas en tiras.

4. Gelatina de fresas con frutas

Dieta baja en carbohidratos/ Low Carb: alimentos permitidos y a evitar

Una porción de gelatina de 90 g (1/3 taza) aporta 16 calorías, 1,4 g de proteína, 0 g de grasa y 4 g de carbohidratos.

Ingredientes (7 porciones)

  • 1/2 taza de fresas;
  • 1/4 de manzana;
  • 1/4 de pera;
  • 1 taza de agua caliente;
  • 1 sobre de gelatina sabor a fresa (sin azúcar);
  • 1/2 taza de agua fría.

Modo de preparación

Cortar las frutas en láminas finas y reservar. Calentar 1 taza de agua y agregar el sobre de gelatina. Revolver hasta disolver y agregar 1/2 taza de agua fría. Colocar en un recipiente de vidrio o recipientes individuales las frutas en el fondo del envase, agregar la gelatina. Colocar en el refrigerados hasta que se endurezca. Vea algunas meriendas bajas en carbohidratos


Esta dieta no debe ser realizada por mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia, niños o adolescentes debido a que se encuentran en fase de crecimiento y adultos mayores. Además de esto, tampoco debe ser implementada por personas con problemas renales o hepáticos.

Cual Es La Dieta Low Carb



Low Carb Diet Books

Low Carb Diet Books

Lots of today's trendy diets — think Atkins, keto and sometimes paleo — are centered around low-carb foods. But cutting carbs to lose weight fast isn't a new idea. It's been around for more than 150 years. So what's driving the popularity of this eating plan?

With a low-carbohydrate diet, you keep your carbohydrates lower than what's typically found in Western diets, Jen Bruning, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, told TODAY.

Processed foods and fast foods — common in Western diets — are often high in carbs. They can contain a lot of refined carbs that don't offer a lot of nutritional value. Low-carb diets limit these high-carb foods, as well as grains, starchy vegetables (like potatoes and peas) and fruit. They emphasize foods low in carbs and high in protein and fat instead, like meat, cheese and nuts, as well as leafy vegetables.

How does the low-carb diet work?

To start, there's no one low-carb diet. Different plans cut carbs down to different levels. The strictest diets aim to cut carbs down to zero. Others target 150 grams or less per day. As a comparison, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 225 to 325 grams per day as part of a healthy eating plan that doesn't focus on limiting carbs.

Bonnie Taub-Dix, a registered dietitian and author of "Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You from Label to Table," points out that carbs aren't all nutritionally the same. A slice of whole-grain bread, a small piece of fruit and four packets of sugar could all have about 15 carbs. "Those food all have completely different health profiles," she said. The bread has fiber, vitamins and minerals, and can help you feel full. The fruit might have fiber and antioxidants. The sugar has no nutritional value except for energy.

People want to know the best ways to lose weight and how to lose weight fast. But there's more to understand. "If you want to eat more healthfully and lose weight, you have to think about what your body needs and your health needs, not just your weight-loss needs," Taub-Dix said.

What does the research say about the low-carb diet?

What are low-carb diet benefits? Bruning said with low-carb dieting you might see improvements in blood sugar levels and weight loss. But the weight loss might not last. "Research also suggests a tendency to regain any lost weight when eating patterns return to normal," she said.

Sticking with a low-carb eating plan may help you maintain weight loss, though.

According to the Mayo Clinic, low-carb diets might help prevent or improve metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that for people with type 2 diabetes, diets that were low in carbs helped them lose weight and reduce the medication they needed to take to control of their diabetes.

Is low-carb a good choice for you?

You might want to try a low-carb diet if you're looking to lose weight in the short term or to prevent or improve metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease.

A low-carb diet includes a lot of other food options, so if you don't like diets with severe food restrictions you might like the variety it offers.

You may also want to look at the kinds of carbs you're eating to see where you can make changes. "If you examine your diet and feel you are lacking in non-starchy vegetables but eat lots of added sugar, you may choose to lower your refined carbohydrate intake in favor of more veggies," Bruning said.

And remember that low-carb diets are low in certain nutritious foods. "Plenty of higher-carbohydrate foods are very healthful. Think legumes, fruit and whole grains," Bruning said. "Low-carb diets also tend to be low in fiber, and fiber is known to be protective against heart disease and some cancers."

Taub-Dix is wary of any diet that eliminates an entire food group. "No one food or food group is going to be magical for you or horrible for you unless you have a food allergy or intolerance," she said. "We shouldn't demonize any one particular food or food group. That should be a red flag when choosing a diet — if a food group is eliminated, steer clear of that diet."

What do you eat on the low-carb diet?

Generally, low-carb menus will include foods that are higher in protein and fat.

On a low-carb diet, you're likely to eat foods like:

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Some nonstarchy vegetables

You'll cut out or limit:

  • Grains
  • Legumes like lentils, beans and peas
  • Fruits
  • Breads
  • Sweets
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn and butternut squash
  • Milk
  • Sometimes nuts and seeds

Following a low-carb diet, in a typical day you might eat low-carb meals like:

  • Breakfast: Omelet with cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach
  • Lunch: Cobb salad
  • Dinner: Chicken drumsticks with coleslaw
  • Snack: Roasted pecans

The low-carb diet is similar to:

  • Keto diet, which typically limits carbs to 50 grams a day or less
  • Keto/FLEX 12/3, which blends a low-carb diet and fasting
  • Low-carb, high-fat diet, which pairs a reduction in carbs with an increase in high-fat foods
  • Paleo diet, which tends to be low-carb in practice because it emphasizes a lot of low-carb foods
  • Atkins diet, which has a four phases of carb intake levels
  • Zero-carb diet, which aims to reduce carbs to (you guessed it) zero

Is the low-carb diet effective long-term?

Compared with low-fat dieters, low-carb dieters may see a short-term weight-loss boost. But the gain tends to disappear after a year or two, according to the Mayo Clinic. It's possible that eating more protein and fat instead of carbs can help keep you feeling full, so you eat less.

Most studies of low-carb diets have lasted less than a year. So it's not clear yet if a low-carb diet has long-term health risks.

Talk with your doctor before starting a low-carb diet or any other diet — your doctor can recommend the best healthy diet for you, based on your needs.

Stephanie Thurrott is a writer who covers mental health, personal growth, wellness, family, food and personal finance, and dabbles in just about any other topic that grabs her attention. When she's not writing, look for her out walking her dog or riding her bike in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley.

Low Carb Diet Books



Low Vitamin D Rickets

Low Vitamin D Rickets

Photo Courtesy: Justin Paget/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Vitamin D is important for maintaining a healthy body, primarily because it helps you fully maximize your body's absorption and utilization of calcium, an important mineral that we all need. When paired with calcium, vitamin D helps regulate bone remodeling and growth, ensuring healthy, strong bones. Vitamin D can also help protect older adults from osteoporosis, which occurs due to excess bone loss from aging.

Furthermore, this nutrient boosts your immune system and reduces inflammation within your body, potentially warding off future medical conditions in the process. It also plays a vital role in cell growth, neuromuscular functions and protein encoding. Studies have shown that a regular, healthy vitamin D intake can also serve as an antidepressant and make people feel generally happier. But that's not all you'll want to know about vitamin D.

Vitamin D is naturally found in certain foods and now appears in many more foods that have been fortified with added nutrients. The best sources of naturally occurring vitamin D are oily fish such as salmon, tuna, cod, sardines and mackerel. Fish liver oils are another good source of vitamin D. Small amounts of the nutrient are present in beef liver, cheese, egg yolks and mushrooms.

Photo Courtesy: Alexander Spatari/Moment/Getty Images

Commonly, vitamin D-fortified foods include whole milk, orange juice, margarine and breakfast cereals. It's important to look at the label and nutrition facts to verify that vitamin D is in a particular food you're considering. Because dairy products are often fortified with vitamin D, lactose intolerant or vegan individuals should keep an eye on their diets to ensure they get enough of the vitamin.

Sun exposure is another method of naturally obtaining vitamin D, as our bodies can create their own vitamin D upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. However, it's difficult to gauge exactly how much sun exposure can generate sufficient vitamin D, as overexposure can be harmful, too. UV rays are also known to trigger free radicals, which can lead to skin cancer if left unchecked.

It's been suggested that getting approximately 15 minutes of sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at least twice a week to your face, arms, legs or back will help your body synthesize enough vitamin D. It's important to note that you can't cover the exposed area of your body with sunscreen if you choose to get vitamin D naturally. The SPF blocks UV rays and can hinder your body's ability to create vitamin D. If you're in the shade or behind a window, the rays will not get through. If the climate where you live is primarily cloudy, it's important to get your recommended amount of vitamin D via other means.

Dietary supplements are also an excellent way of obtaining vitamin D. Supplements come in two forms: vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which is identical to the form your body makes when exposed to sunlight, and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), which differs slightly from D3 in its chemical side-chain structure. There's some evidence that vitamin D3 increases and maintains overall levels slightly better than vitamin D2.

Side Effects of a Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency occurs when you don't adequately absorb the nutrient or when your kidneys can't convert the nutrient to its active form. This deficiency can result in medical conditions, two of which are called rickets and osteomalacia.

Photo Courtesy: RealPeopleGroup/E+/Getty Images

Rickets, a disease characterized by a failure of bone tissues to get enough minerals, can result in abnormal, soft bones and skeletal deformities. It's most common in children. Fortunately, it isn't permanent, and kids can consume as few as 1 to 3 teaspoons of cod liver oil a day to reverse the condition.

With the help of fortified foods today, rickets is almost obsolete in the United States. Osteomalacia, characterized by soft and weak bones, is usually present in adults. It's commonly treated with an intense regimen of vitamin D replacement under the care of a physician.

Vitamin D and Other Health Conditions

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cardiovascular disease, and people with lower levels of vitamin D appear to be at an increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke. However, the exact relationship isn't clear, and there appears to be no benefit to cardiovascular risk in taking a vitamin D supplement.

Photo Courtesy: PixelsEffect/E+/Getty Images

Research is also ongoing to find if there's a link between vitamin D and multiple sclerosis (MS). It appears that vitamin D deficiency is linked to the development of MS, and people with MS and higher levels of vitamin D appear to have reduced disease activity.

Low vitamin D has been linked to an increased risk of contracting respiratory illnesses such as influenza A. It appears that people with low vitamin D levels are at greater risk of severe novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. It's not clear yet if routine vitamin D supplementation would reduce this risk.

Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble substance, it can stay in your body for several days. Thus, vitamin D poisoning is possible if you supplement too much vitamin D over a period of a few months. Symptoms of vitamin D overdose include dehydration, vomiting, decreased appetite, irritability, constipation and fatigue. If left unaddressed, vitamin D poisoning can lead to anorexia, over-calcification of the bones and internal organs, kidney stones and hypertension (high blood pressure). It's important to note that vitamin D poisoning usually only occurs with excessive intake of dietary supplements. It's highly unlikely to occur as a result of normal dietary intake and sun exposure.

Daily Dosage Recommendations

The recommended dietary allowances for vitamin D vary depending on your age and other health and life circumstances, such as pregnancy. For infants under 12 months, the recommended intake is 400 international units (IU) or 10 micrograms (mcg). For individuals under 70 years old, the recommended intake is 600IU (15mcg). For individuals over 70 years old, the intake increases to 800IU (20mcg).

Photo Courtesy: katleho Seisa/E+/Getty Images

If you have a pre-existing medical condition or other medical concerns, it's best to talk to a healthcare professional about determining your recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D. This way, you can be sure the vitamin doesn't interact negatively with your condition or medication.

Resource Links:


Low Vitamin D Rickets



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